
Specialized Leadership Training for Middle Level Cadres of Rui Yang Group

2023-07-24 15:49

The middle management of an enterprise is the key to the continuous improvement of the comprehensive quality of the enterprise's human resource team, and is also the basic guarantee to promote the long-term benign development of the enterprise. In order to improve the leadership level of the middle-level cadres of Ruiyang Group, to positively motivate the staff and help the company achieve higher efficiency, on July 20, 2023, Ruiyang Group conducted a two-day leadership training for all middle-level cadres. Han Su Miao, Director of Ruiyang Group, Lang Xunxun, Secretary of the Board of Directors, Xia Guoxing, Deputy General Manager, and more than 70 middle-level cadres attended the training.

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This special training is organized and implemented by the well-known training institution - Golden Blue Alliance Training Company, and invited the gold medal lecturer, Mr. Li Ke, to teach in the company, focusing on the customized course design according to the middle cadres in the production workshop, to ensure that the training content is closely integrated with the actual work, and can really do to enhance the leadership level of the middle cadres.

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At the beginning of the training, General Manager Han put forward the learning requirements and learning objectives for all middle-level cadres, and cheered for all the trainees, who were enthusiastic about learning and had a strong learning atmosphere.


During the training, Mr. Li trained everyone in five major aspects: theoretical knowledge of leadership, leadership skill development, leadership case study, leadership practice exercise, and leadership feedback and evaluation. Mr. Li Ke's teaching language is witty and humorous, easy to understand, and he taught the professional theories in a very close-to-life way, so that every participant could gain something.

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During the learning process, Mr. Li Ke fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the students and often interacted with them to deepen their understanding of the course. On the second day of the study, Mr. Li Ke organized group discussions, listened to the results of the trainees' reports, participated in the actual operation of the staff, personally demonstrated and participated in the discussion and operation.

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After two days of learning and assessment, finally the sixth group of trainees won the first place in this training and assessment, Mr. Lang and Mr. Xia awarded prizes to the winning trainees.


Before the end, Mr. Lang summarized the training. He fully affirmed and praised everyone's learning status in the past two days, and expected everyone to apply what they learned today.

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For this leadership training, the students have said that after Mr. Li Ke's preaching, teaching, solving puzzles, they have learned a lot of management knowledge and methods, and feel that they have benefited a lot, and I can't get enough of it, not only to fill in their own vacancies in the management skills and experience, but also to enhance the decision and choice as a cadre leadership is essential.

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After the training, the leaders and all the trainees took a group photo.

 No step by step can lead to a thousand miles, and no small stream can make a river and an ocean. The middle-level cadres of Ruiyang Group will ride the wind and waves and go forward. With the determination and perseverance to move mountains and fill up oceans, and with the spirit of learning with an open mind, they will help Ruiyang Group to take a new step and realize a new leap in the journey of listing.

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